The Force Awakens! Singapore Airport |
Merry Christmas!!!! I am so privileged to serve at such a special, blessed time. I love being a missionary!!! Last week, while sitting at MLC in Singapore, I realized that there truly is no place I'd rather be. I have never felt closer to the Savior in my life, and I've never felt so confident about what I'm doing with my time. Even though there are certainly good things that I miss (like family), I am happy and enthusiastic about where I am now. I do not want to leave. I feel loved, I feel needed, I feel like I have a purpose, and I feel the Spirit. I love being a missionary for my Savior, Jesus Christ! With all that I try to give back to Him, I know that I am still an unprofitable servant. It truly is a privilege to be a missionary.
21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.
$4 for a doughnut and worth every penny! |
REJOICE!!! I am so grateful for this Christmas season. I have learned so much in the past couple days about what it means to truly search for joy and choose to have a joyful attitude. As I have studied, I have found that happiness is somewhat flippant and fleeting, but joy is a Christlike attribute that is something deep within us. It comes from a knowledge of truth, faith, hope, and the desire to respond to the Spirit's promptings.As we study about our Savior, we realize that we can and will be saved from our sins if we turn to him. We will!!! I know this! I have no doubts that Christ is my Savior and that he atoned for me. His whole life was devoted to the service of others. I have felt Joy this past week as I have focused on others and done my best to sacrifice for them. I love this gospel!!!
One of the faith strengthening experiences I had came just this morning as I studied the talk from Elder Uchtdorf during the General Women's Session of Conference. He talked about a lady who didn't have many reasons to be happy in life, yet she found joy in working to emulate our Savior's example. I looked out the window of our study room, and I realized that I had complete peace in my heart. I have the scriptures. I have a family. I have a companion. I have a specific calling that has come from the Lord. I have no doubts about where I'm supposed to be or what I'm supposed to be doing. I know Heavenly Father loves me and has a plan for me. I have faith, hope, and joy when I think of the many things that I will be able to accomplish as I rely on Him. I love my Savior!!!
I felt joy as one of our recent converts bore testimony yesterday in Sacrament, then proceeded to teach Gospel Principles Class for the first time in his life. He did an amazing job talking about service, and he was able to include all of us in the discussion. I imagine the joy I feel as people around me are able to progress in the gospel and make steps towards becoming like Jesus Christ is the same feeling Heavenly Father feels as he watches over me. Sometimes, I feel as if I am not growing or making a difference, but I know that Heavenly Father is cheering for me. He has sent us here to feel joy and to succeed. We can find solace in that truth. As I've turned outward in helping others and helping them feel the strength that can come only from the Atonement, I, personally, have felt the Lord's hand in my life pushing me. I am grateful for this, and I know I could not do these things if I relied on myself.
I was able to go on exchanges last week with Elder XX, and I was so impressed by his desire to serve and do the work of the Lord. He is striving to help the missionaries around him and be an example of the believers. I love him so much.
Elder Reynolds! |
I think all people feel alone or misunderstood in some way, and that's a big reason for a lack of motivation, obedience, diligence, happiness, etc. I've realized that we simply need to work harder at making sincere, lasting connections with people. We don't necessarily just need to do things to make us "liked" or "popular", but we need to show more interest in others' lives in order to help them feel trusted, loved, and then able to change and do better. I myself have many weaknesses, but I appreciate the time my leaders, including you all, have invested in my life in order to gain my trust. If we can go the extra mile to love those around us, I know that we will be able to work harder, together, to give all we have to the Savior.
I know that we can all develop deeper faith, hope, love, and charity in order to serve the people around us. As we do so I know that Heavenly Father will bless us with more miracles and spiritual experiences. We will truly become His servants. I pray that we can remember our choices today will have eternal/lasting impact.
9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.
I may not comprehend what is in store, but I have felt the Spirit, and I know the feelings of joy, peace, and guidance I have felt are from God. I know that I desire to be with Him again, and I will do all I can to follow Him and His son, our Savior.
I am grateful that Heavenly Father was willing to sacrifice His son in order to give each one of us hope and peace for a better world. I know that true faith and hope can only come through a knowledge of Christ and his Atonement.
I think of his hands pierced and bleeding to pay the debt!
Such mercy, such love and devotion can I forget?
No, no, I will praise and adore at the mercy seat,
Until at the glorified throne I kneel at his feet.
It is truly a joy and a privilege to be able to wear Christ's name over my heart. I am grateful for the love he offers me and the joy that comes as I strive to do His will. I love serving a mission. I love the people here. I pray that I can give all of my effort and focus to my Savior and the calling he has given me this Christmas season. Merry Christmas!!!
Love, Elder Lloyd
Elder Roundy! |
Bintulu Runway Sunset |
The Infamous Duria |