Saying goodbye to everybody in S was one of the hardest things I've done on my mission so far, but I was blessed to get right back into the work with Elder H. It's impossible to feel sad when I already love the people here so much.
All Saturday, we contacted, contacted, and contacted some more. Our appointments fell through, along with our backup plans, so we didn't have many options. Elder H and I went out and tried to talk to everybody. We got a few numbers and had a few successful contacts. On Sunday, a lady and her daughter we had met the day before called and asked if we had church today. We told her it had just ended. She was distressed because she had driven by earlier and couldn't find it. We quickly invited her over and she obliged. We were able to sit down in the chapel and start answering some of her questions.
Another person we are teaching is a young piano prodigy. After church he played a song my sister used to play every night. I used to nag her and tell her it was late and time for bed, but now I wish I could just say sorry and listen to her play again. When this boy played the song I realized just how much the small and simple things matter. I'm grateful for small miracles and beauty all around us.
The branch here is absolutely amazing!!! The members are so excited about the gospel. It motivates me to do all I can so that they can continue to feel the joy that comes as others learn about the gospel.
A very inspiring part of last week was when a member called us and asked for a blessing. He had just learned of a family tragedy. I felt so helpless as he sat there and cried. After a few minutes, we gave him a blessing then talked for a bit. We shared about how Heavenly Father loves each of us and never will test us with more than we can handle. We talked about the importance of sticking to what we know, rather than worrying about things we don't know.
This past week has been one of the most stressful weeks of my mission. I feel like my chinese stinks, I don't have anything to offer, and I'm not making much of a difference. After meeting with this person and sharing with him, I realized that the things I was saying to him apply to myself as well. Even though I'm in a new place with new people, investigators, streets, food, companions, members, etc., most things are still the same. I am still working my hardest to be the missionary that Heavenly Father wants me to be. As I continue to stick to the truths that I know, I know that I'll be able to accomplish what Heavenly Father asks of me.
I am so grateful for the opportunity to serve with Elder H and live with Elder A and Elder P. Elder H is an inspired, phenomenal missionary, and I've already learned so much from him. He's always happy, excited, and ready to work. I am so grateful for him and all that he is doing. He truly is a servant of the Lord.
The zone here is awesome, and I look forward to getting to know everybody better. My faith has been tested a lot, but I also feel like I am coming closer to Heavenly Father than ever before. This scripture really stood out to me this week as I was reading in the Book of Mormon-
37 Now my brethren, we see that God is mindful of every people, whatsoever land they may be in; yea, he numbereth his people, and his bowels of mercy are over all the earth. Now this is my joy, and my great thanksgiving; yea, and I will give thanks unto my God forever. Amen.
I know that Heavenly Father truly has given us everything. He is mindful of me and supporting me at every moment. I am so grateful to be His missionary and representative. I am excited to serve here and I promise that I will do all I can to always have the Spirit with me and follow His promptings. Keep doing the work!!!
Love, Elder Lloyd
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