I am so excited to talk to you! So much has happened this past week....it was one of the hardest weeks of the mission, but also one of the most rewarding. From homemade pork roast, sushi, ice cream, and funny things like that, to seeing the Spirit shine in the eyes of our investigators we have had many joyful moments. I think that's the way things often seems to work out. Only when we put our best effort in are we able to feel the sweet joy when miracles do happen. My faith and testimony have grown so much!
One scripture that describes a little bit about how the week went is found in Alma-
38 And the Lord provided for them that they should hunger not, neither should they thirst; yea, and he also gave them strength, that they should suffer no manner of afflictions, save it were swallowed up in the joy of Christ. Now this was according to the prayer of Alma; and this because he prayed in faith.
It seemed that we were contacting doors and knocking all day, everyday. Saturday night I was more tired physically and emotionally than I was a couple years ago during football two-a-days in the August sun. But Sunday morning came and I was rejuvenated. It truly is miraculous what prayer and faith can do. Amidst the many rejections we were blessed with countless miracles. I'd like to share a few with you.
Last Tuesday night, we met with a newer investigator and review the first lesson with him. We explained more about the Book of Mormon, then we watched the Restoration. Immediately after it finished, he turned to us and just said, "Amazing." He asked how he could know these things are true the way we do. We bore testimony once again of the Book of Mormon and prayer. It was such a humbling and wonderful experience.
Every time something like this happens I'm humbled to tears. I cannot put the wondrous feelings I feel as someone actually desires to know for themselves and tells us they feel the Spirit. I am so grateful that Heavenly Father continues to bless us with the companionship of the Holy Ghost. I'm grateful this man has been prepared and is so in tune with the Spirit. He is excited to be baptized, and we are excited to continue helping him along the path.
Another amazing experience happened with some other investigators. We shared with them the Plan of Salvation and helped them understand that this gospel is for everybody -- the dead, the living, absolutely all of God's children have already made the choice to follow Christ and that is why we are on earth with our mortal bodies.
An interesting note regarding social media. Many of our investigators look at our Facebook pages once we meet. It made me realize how important it is that ALL of our actions and communications be in tune with Heavenly Father's commandments. I was relieved when an investigator told me that they looked through all my FB photos since 2008 and said they couldn't find one where I wasn't smiling and that they'd never seen a family look so happy. I was able to bear testimony that as we learn the gospel and strengthen our faith in Christ, the little obstacles and stumbling blocks in life don't seem to be as depressing or weakening as before. I bore my testimony of eternal families and this brought peace to their hearts. I am so grateful for the family and parents that I have that taught me since I was born that I have a loving Heavenly Father who watches over us. I know this is true! It is such a privilege to be able to share these things with people that are waiting to hear the gospel!
OK - Change in topic and pace. I am a bit shocked because I just got news that I am going to Johor Bahru and will be zone leader with another amazing missionary named Elder Hanks (a Davis Dart)! I do not know what to think right now. I love these people here so much and the past four months have gone by in the blink of an eye. I do not feel like a leader or someone that people can listen to and feel inspiration, but I do know that I will continue to work my hardest and do my best to always have the Spirit with me. I have learned so much with Elder Jones and Elder Geilman about how obedience and faith bring miracles. My life has changed because of the people I've met and the impressions I've felt. I know that I was supposed to be here with these missionaries at this time. With that said, I know that right now I'm supposed to go to Johor and work with Elder Hanks. I am nervous and humbled, but I know that I will not be alone. I am grateful for the gospel and the peace that is given to us in our times of fright or despair.
I wish I could say more....I hope you all can feel that I truly am happy and joyful to be a missionary here in Singapore and Malaysia. My perspective and viewpoint have changed so much. I truly know that this gospel is the most important thing on Earth. I know that as we are obedient we are blessed, happy, and free from Satan's captivity. Thank you for the prayers and the letters!! I am so blessed.
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