Good morning, everybody!!! I cannot believe that I'm sitting at the computer again sending emails...the weeks always go by so fast! It feels like I've already told you everything that happened, but when I think back and look at my journal, there are countless, priceless experiences that have made small changes in me that will last forever. I am so grateful to be a missionary. I am grateful for my companion, Elder Hanks. I'm grateful to be serving in JB. I'm grateful for this gospel and the knowledge of a loving, caring, and living Savior. I am so humbled to be able to serve Him each day and show my gratitude!
We are so blessed with amazing people here. There were a bunch of funny, joyful, happy stories last week that have just helped me realize that Heavenly Father's love is manifested unto us in so many ways. I know He is there, watching over us, and inspiring us to continue to grow and help others come to know Him.
One of the best parts of last week was going on exchanges with Elder Avery. He is one of the most obedient, diligent, knowledgeable, and funny people I have ever met. It was a wonderful experience to be with him, and I learned a lot. Something we learned together happened in a roleplay as we shared a quick 5 minute Restoration lesson.
My Chinese is still a little shaky, and it didn't seem like I was sharing anything special, but as soon as I started reciting the First Vision, we both started crying. He just laughed a little because neither one of us knew how to react. It was almost a surprise to feel the Spirit so strongly. After, we discussed how our investigators must feel the same way when they feel the Spirit. They can't identify it or explain it--they're surprised by it. Later that day, we taught a lesson to a woman who barely speaks Mandarin and zero English. The whole lesson was a struggle of understanding, but as I testified of Heavenly Father's love and our purpose here on Earth, she started bawling. She couldn't understand why, but we did our best to help her recognize that it was the Spirit. The gift of tongues is so much more than just learning a new language or using clear words to convey knowledge; it truly is a conversation between our hearts as we follow the Spirit.
"I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."
I know that this gospel and the Savior's sacrifice is not just about "making up" for things that are done wrong, but in helping us become happier, eternal, Godly beings. I am so happy right now!! I am so grateful for the many blessings that I receive each day, and I'm grateful to be surrounded by others that are doing their best to feel the Spirit and follow Christ. I love being a missionary!
Love, Elder Lloyd