“ … And they were also distinguished for their zeal towards God, and also towards men; for they were perfectly honest and upright in all things; and they were firm in the faith of Christ, even unto the end.” - Alma 27:27
Friday, October 31, 2014
Monday, October 20, 2014
High Lo!
This week has been amazing!!!! I just want to testify that if we are facing God and constantly trying to look for His influence in our lives, we will notice more miracles and be blessed more and more. This week, looking back and reading through my journal, I realized how many small miracles I missed that have definitely been the Lord's hand working in my life. I'd like to share a few!
This week has been amazing!!!! I just want to testify that if we are facing God and constantly trying to look for His influence in our lives, we will notice more miracles and be blessed more and more. This week, looking back and reading through my journal, I realized how many small miracles I missed that have definitely been the Lord's hand working in my life. I'd like to share a few!
BONELESS fried chicken! |
The first miracle happened Saturday afternoon. We biked thirty minutes over to a place called S after a long morning and early afternoon of meeting with potential investigators. Once we got there, we made a few "random" turns and found ourselves in a beautiful neighborhood. There were kids everywhere riding their bikes, families outside talking, and people washing their cars. It reminded me so much of back home! I could feel the Spirit and the pure love that existed between all of these people. Normally, when we contact, many of the people won't open their door if they see someone at their gate....Saturday was completely different!
I was able to make friends with a few of the kids, and then they took my companion and me to their homes. We chatted with some of their parents and made return appointments -- that NEVER happens!!! We then continued contacting, and every single house we knocked on was willing to help us and talk about what we were doing. It was amazing! Everyone wasn't completely prepared, but I think we left them all with a good feeling and examples of Christ. To finish the night, right when we were leaving, a truck drove by and stopped. We turned around and ended up making friends with a 22 year old who is completely prepared to receive the gospel. It was perfect place and perfect timing!!! I am so grateful the Lord led us to this neighborhood and helped the people have soft hearts. This coming week is going to be packed full of trying to meet with all of these new potential investigators! Hooray!
One thing I felt extremely grateful for this week is my family. We were able to have an amazing family home evening, and a birthday party on Sunday night as well. In both instances, everyone was just so happy. Before family home evening started, we sang Primary songs with all of the children, and they were just giggling and smiling and it just is the best feeling in the whole wide world! It's awesome!! During the birthday party, everybody was trying to feed me, talk to me, and all of the kids were just bouncing around.
Family Home Evening! |
When we gather for wholesome things as family and friends, it is much easier for the Spirit to testify. I want to invite all of you to hold a family home evening this week, and make it fun! The home is supposed to be the first place we learn the gospel, and the gospel brings joy. Share a thought, sing songs, and play games. All of these things build our relationship with our family and with Heavenly Father.
One of the scriptures that really stuck out to me this week was D and C 123:17- If we do all that we can with a cheerful attitude and patience, God will better be able to use us as His tools. This sounds so cheesy, but just put a smile on! It is amazing how much better I feel when I'm tired, worn out, frustrated, and then I remember to smile. This life is part of a plan of happiness; let's not forget that!!
Flatter Battle while doing Facials! |
This week my companion and the two other elders living with us had a flatter battle...it's a little bit like a rap battle but you have to beat the other person by giving them better compliments! Try and look for the best in the people.
I love you guys so much! Thank you for your support and for trusting in the Lord in all that you do. I'm so proud to tell people about all of my friends and family back home, because that's part of who I am, and anything good about me is the result of your amazing examples. Zai Jian peng you men!
Elder Lloyd
Celebes Sea |
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
First off, I just want to say that I am so grateful to have a living prophet who can lead and guide us in these latter days. We have so many people, tools, and resources that can help us hold to the iron rod if we are simply willing to listen with open hearts and the Spirit.
It really hit me this week how simple the gospel is. We are given all of these things to bring us happiness in this life and the world to come. It is so hard to explain to our investigators how commandments, reading, and praying can change their lives for the better, but I know that it has changed mine, and I try to share my smile and testimony every single lesson/contact.
I've never been so stressed and busy in my life, but right now I also feel the happiest because I'm making time to develop my relationship with my Savior and Heavenly Father. This week, please try and pray and read every single night with your families. They talked about the role of families and parents a lot this past conference, and I am so grateful for my parents efforts and success in teaching me the gospel. I know that doing simple things will bring families closer and make our homes a peaceful place.Read and pray as a family this week, everyone!
New Missionary Training was amazing! President and Sister Mains are some of the happiest, most spiritual people I've ever met. Simply spending time with them and being around them uplifts my spirits and helps strengthen my testimony-I hope to have that effect on others soon!! We went over many, many things, but I'd like to share a few that really helped me.
There is a reason church, prayer, and reading is CPR in the mission field! We need these things if we want to survive! These things are crucial and required for us to gain the Spirit and receive exaltation. I love you guys so much! Please focus on the small things the Lord asks us to do, and He will bless you!
There were so many talks that I loved and truths that I learned, but one of my very favorites was Elder Bednar's Sunday afternoon. "Devoted disciples will ALWAYS be missionaries." This week, focus on the things that you have the weakest testimony about and look to share them with others. I know that as you share you will be able to strengthen your own testimony and ponder how even the seemingly "weaker" points have played a major role in your conversion.
It really hit me this week how simple the gospel is. We are given all of these things to bring us happiness in this life and the world to come. It is so hard to explain to our investigators how commandments, reading, and praying can change their lives for the better, but I know that it has changed mine, and I try to share my smile and testimony every single lesson/contact.
So this week was very busy because we traveled to KK (kota kinabalu) for zone meeting and new missionary training.I had the chance to learn from President and Sister Mains on Wednesday, and then we had Zone Meeting on Thursday.
The first thing is that we need to embrace change. I have always been someone who dislikes change and has a routine for every single little thing...life is about change!! Change is not bad, and it's how we learn and experience new things. We do not know what little changes will occur each day in our lives, but if we can anticipate them and prepare, we will be strengthened instead of shocked.
In 3 Nephi 4:16-18, it talkes about how the Nephites were completely surrounded by their enemies...the Lamanites had even won a few battles and seemed to be gaining ground. I know that if we bear our afflictions with patience and have faith in the Lord, he will be able to deliver us with no regards as to what situation/state we are currently in. The key is to prepare by living the gospel and learning how the Lord strengthens us in order to find how we can gain the advantage over Satan.
A miracle this week was that we received a flash drive with General Conference!!! We met at the church and had malay, chinese, and english versions. So Saturday morning, after calling the whole branch and all of our investigators, we were the only ones there to watch. I was a little disappointed, but on the plus side, we were able to use the air conditioned room and watch it in English! Saturday afternoon and the Priesthood Session were the same story, nobody came. President Uchtdorf's talk about not comparing ourselves to others and focusing on our own weaknesses before we critique others really applied to me. I was so focused on who wasn't receiving the blessings of conference that I forgot about focusing and learning for myself. We all have so much to improve on....we need to see ourselves more clearly before we are able to truly help others.
I love you all so much, and I am so grateful for all of the love, support, and prayers. I wouldn't be here without your examples and friendship. This week, I felt the love of my Savior for me more than I ever have before. I am so grateful for the family unit on Earth. I love my family so much, and I want my parents to know that I'm so grateful for all that they've done for me. I hope I can raise a family in the gospel someday, just as my parents have done for me.
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
My first week in the field is officially complete!! I can't believe I've already adjusted so much...this week has been amazing and I feel like miracles happen every single day. I'm so blessed to have this opportunity to serve. After being here and contacting, it is amazing to me that so many people have never even heard of this gospel. There is so much work to do around the world, and I'm so excited and privileged to be a part of it. I love you guys, and I'm so grateful for the prayers and love. I wouldn't be here without all of your influence and support! Thank you!!
Sunday was another wonderful day. At church, none of our investigators showed up, which was very disappointing, but fast meeting was great. All of the kids bearing their testimonies reminded me so much of being back home. The kids here are so sweet and fun and it is a joy to be around them. We talked a lot about commandments in Sunday School....since it was in Malay I didn't understand, but I was pondering a lot...I learned that commandments and the gospel-every single part of it-is to bring us joy and help us learn. I think things like fasting and tithing are to teach us how to sacrifice. The natural man is impatient and always wants more...when we give something away we focus on the needs of others. Christ was perfectly selfless, and I think that this gospel and our Church's activities give us plenty of opportunities to serve others and learn about the joy we can find when we serve. I want to do better at constantly looking to serve everyone and keep a good attitude.
So last Monday afternoon was awesome!! After emailing we went and got Nasi Lalap ....we eat fried rice/noodles for basically every meal, but this place was especially good and I had some iced Milo. Hooray for tender mercies! :) We spent the afternoon cleaning the church building. It was very relaxing to have time to ponder and be in an air conditioned building during the afternoon.
Monday night we went over to a member's house and were able to have dinner and share a message. All of the people here are incredibly poor, so to make dinner for us is a huge sacrifice. She was an incredible lady, and we shared a message about families and how parents have the responsibility to help their children learn the gospel. I spoke about how I was sealed to my family in the temple, and it was just an incredible experience. We were all crying and I think we really helped her know Heavenly Father loves her. She asked us for a blessing, and luckily we were prepared to give one. I'm so grateful for the Priesthood and the peace it can bring to people no matter what struggles they're going through.
Monday night we went over to a member's house and were able to have dinner and share a message. All of the people here are incredibly poor, so to make dinner for us is a huge sacrifice. She was an incredible lady, and we shared a message about families and how parents have the responsibility to help their children learn the gospel. I spoke about how I was sealed to my family in the temple, and it was just an incredible experience. We were all crying and I think we really helped her know Heavenly Father loves her. She asked us for a blessing, and luckily we were prepared to give one. I'm so grateful for the Priesthood and the peace it can bring to people no matter what struggles they're going through.
Tuesday was another great, wonderful, hot day in T! I loved reading in D & C section 3 versus 7-9 during personal study. I cannot be afraid of anybody while serving a mission and preaching the gospel, including myself. I think that more often than not, we are our own worst enemies. I'm so grateful we have the Atonement and we are expected to make mistakes..I mess up about a billion times a day, but I'm doing my best to learn from each experience. We were able to have district meeting with all four of us missionaries at the church Tuesday morning. Elder R is our District leader and led a discussion on meaningful questions...it was amazing! What I got from it was that we need to be direct in all of our questions. Eliminate words like maybe, kinda, sorta, and go for it. The other thing we can't do is make investigators guess. even in shcool, when teachers would ask these types of questions I'd just feel stupid, frustrated, and angry. Questions are so important when it comes to teaching the gospel, and I know we can all improve our teaching skills if we will focus on asking meaningful questions. If we want a real answer, ask a real question. After the meeting we were able to visit a few people and then go home. Once we got home, we couldn't unlock our bikes becasue the lock was all rusted...we said multiple prayers, and after trying for thirty minutes it still wouldn't budge. We didn't know what to do, when an little low-rider flashy "malaysian" car drove by and happened to have WD 40 for us...it truly was a miracle. There are things like this that happen every single day...I am so grateful for the blessings I've received as a missionary and continue to receive every single day.
Wednesday was an awesome day, but man was it tiring!!! We literally biked allllll day long. For most of the day we were riding our bikes over to a different area. My shirt was absolutely drenched all day haha...that's Malaysia for ya. After knocking for like three hours, we finally talked to a boy who was outside in his driveway. He was super shy, but incredibly nice. His grandma came to the door and let us in (which is super rare). She invited us back this week to share more about the Restoration and our church. I am so grateful for the people that are willing to give the gospel a chance, and I know the Lord is leading us to them. I need to be more patient in my finding efforts, and I know the Lord will bless me as a result.
Thurdsay was amazing as well, but I'm running out of time so I'll have to skip to Saturday...most of the days here are pretty similar. We study in the morning, contact, and try and teach at night when it's dark and safer to be inside.
So Saturday was my first day on splits! I was super worried because I don't know the language, don't know how to get around, and we didn't have very many lessons scheduled. I went with our District Leader Elder R, and it turned out to be the best day yet! We contacted all afternoon and were having no luck. People would just ignore us after staring straight at us through the door...it was super frustrating..we found a park, and there were like five kids...playing Basketball!!! We immediately went over and started talking to them. Two of them were very friendly and Christian. We started shooting around, and one of them committed to come to church with us because he had nothing to do...it was an absolute miracle. To find two kids with awesome families, willing to listen is something that we haven't found very often, so im very glad we were put in the right place at the right time.
We finished the night by going to dinner at a place that served western foood!!!!! I got a burger, broccoli, fries, and some bread....I was so grateful to be filled after a long day. The biggest thing I learned was that if we are trying our best to do the Lord's work, he will bless us. All of our plans fell through Saturday, but we continued in faith and prayer, and it all worked out. I have felt the Lord's hand in my life more than ever while being on a mission. I also learned, while contacting, that we need to be bold, but we also need to be a friend. If we can know about their family, occupation, and recreation we will be able to better relate the gospel to them. I'm working on my conversational Chinese, and I am seeing a lot of progress.
We finished the night by going to dinner at a place that served western foood!!!!! I got a burger, broccoli, fries, and some bread....I was so grateful to be filled after a long day. The biggest thing I learned was that if we are trying our best to do the Lord's work, he will bless us. All of our plans fell through Saturday, but we continued in faith and prayer, and it all worked out. I have felt the Lord's hand in my life more than ever while being on a mission. I also learned, while contacting, that we need to be bold, but we also need to be a friend. If we can know about their family, occupation, and recreation we will be able to better relate the gospel to them. I'm working on my conversational Chinese, and I am seeing a lot of progress.
Our Church Building |
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
This has been such a crazy week, I don't even know where to start!!! I just want to start off and tell everyone to say a prayer and thank Heavenly Father for allowing us to live in the U.S. I love it here in Malaysia, but some things that I've taken for granted back home don't even exist here (like toilet paper)! It is crazy how some parts of the world are just so different! I am so grateful for my family, for my companion, and for this opportunity to serve God's children. I want to help others so badly, and I am so excited I'm finally here!

When we got to Singapore, I was so amazed at all of the smog/fog. Even when it's sunny it's still cloudy! It is also unbelievable hot!!! SOOO HOOOTTT!!! haha it is literally as hot as a sauna...if I'm outside for thirty seconds I'm drenched. So in Singapore we were picked up by the mission president and his wife, and then we rode the MRT (subway) back to the mission home. While on the MRT I spoke with two very, very kind people. One of them accepted a Book of Mormon! It was an awesome experience for my first day (I also was speaking English haha!)
The next morning I was assigned to T!!!! It is the farthest place from the mission home in our whole mission. Man oh man, it's a complete jungle! So when I learned where I was going, I was also told I had a plane to catch that was leaving in forty five minutes, so I immediately left and missed some training and didn't get to say goodbye to anybody. It was a rush!!!!
Friday was my first real day in the mission field. I woke up, tried to exercise a little bit in our tiny apartment, and then had some breakfast...some fake milk and oatmeal. We planned all morning/studied, and then we spent a few hours going to buy my first bike....it was crazy! Downtown here is just a ghetto. Thousands of shops in little storage unit type things, and there are no street signs anywhere. You just have to know where you are based on landmarks. It took us two hours to find a couple bike shops and then we were able to barter a little in Chinese. Bikes are one thing that are super expensive here, but I was able to get a relatively good deal, so that made me happy.
That night we visited a member's house, and he cooked us dinner...fish balls and this rice stuff. My favorite haha. The people here are sooooo nice. Unfortunately, everyone speaks Malay, and even the ones that do speak Chinese don't speak the Chinese I learned...but it's awesome to be walking around and have people shout out "Hallo!!" and say hi to you. It's awesome!
That night we visited a member's house, and he cooked us dinner...fish balls and this rice stuff. My favorite haha. The people here are sooooo nice. Unfortunately, everyone speaks Malay, and even the ones that do speak Chinese don't speak the Chinese I learned...but it's awesome to be walking around and have people shout out "Hallo!!" and say hi to you. It's awesome!
Saturday was even better than Friday!! We woke up, studied, exercised, and then went out to lunch to ... McDonalds!!!! It was like heaven!!!! The sad part is that McDonald's is probably the healthiest thing I've eaten here so far...I've already lost seven pounds! The food here is just something else haha...lots of rice and noodles and hardly anything else. After McDonald's we rode our bikes over to another member's house. She's an older lady that just barely got baptized, but now doesn't want to come to church. We've got a lot of work to do to try and change that! I'm so excited!!
After visited another man's house. He's an older man who loves massage techniques and dogs...he has like ten! As soon as I walked in he started massaging me and doing all of these pressure point things that hurt haha...he was very nice though!


My first few days here have been incredible, but also very humbling. It is tough to learn Chinese when nobody here really speaks it! It looks like I'll have to start trying to pick up on Malay. The city of T is so beautiful...it is green everywhere, and the people are so kind.
I know that the Lord has called me to this section of the vineyard and has prepared this area for the gospel. I love you guys!! Thank you for the prayers and love!
I know that the Lord has called me to this section of the vineyard and has prepared this area for the gospel. I love you guys!! Thank you for the prayers and love!
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