It really hit me this week how simple the gospel is. We are given all of these things to bring us happiness in this life and the world to come. It is so hard to explain to our investigators how commandments, reading, and praying can change their lives for the better, but I know that it has changed mine, and I try to share my smile and testimony every single lesson/contact.
So this week was very busy because we traveled to KK (kota kinabalu) for zone meeting and new missionary training.I had the chance to learn from President and Sister Mains on Wednesday, and then we had Zone Meeting on Thursday.
The first thing is that we need to embrace change. I have always been someone who dislikes change and has a routine for every single little is about change!! Change is not bad, and it's how we learn and experience new things. We do not know what little changes will occur each day in our lives, but if we can anticipate them and prepare, we will be strengthened instead of shocked.
In 3 Nephi 4:16-18, it talkes about how the Nephites were completely surrounded by their enemies...the Lamanites had even won a few battles and seemed to be gaining ground. I know that if we bear our afflictions with patience and have faith in the Lord, he will be able to deliver us with no regards as to what situation/state we are currently in. The key is to prepare by living the gospel and learning how the Lord strengthens us in order to find how we can gain the advantage over Satan.
A miracle this week was that we received a flash drive with General Conference!!! We met at the church and had malay, chinese, and english versions. So Saturday morning, after calling the whole branch and all of our investigators, we were the only ones there to watch. I was a little disappointed, but on the plus side, we were able to use the air conditioned room and watch it in English! Saturday afternoon and the Priesthood Session were the same story, nobody came. President Uchtdorf's talk about not comparing ourselves to others and focusing on our own weaknesses before we critique others really applied to me. I was so focused on who wasn't receiving the blessings of conference that I forgot about focusing and learning for myself. We all have so much to improve on....we need to see ourselves more clearly before we are able to truly help others.
I love you all so much, and I am so grateful for all of the love, support, and prayers. I wouldn't be here without your examples and friendship. This week, I felt the love of my Savior for me more than I ever have before. I am so grateful for the family unit on Earth. I love my family so much, and I want my parents to know that I'm so grateful for all that they've done for me. I hope I can raise a family in the gospel someday, just as my parents have done for me.
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