I can't believe another week, and another transfer has passed. It is absolutely crazy how fast time flies when we're working our hardest and serving the Lord. I feel as if there is so much more I should be learning and retaining every single day, but I'm doing my best, and I can truly say that I learned a lot last transfer. I know the things I learned couldn't have been learned anywhere else, with any other companion. I am so grateful for the situation in which I have been called to serve. I love being a missionary in Johor Bahru!!! And I am staying here with the same other three Elders - hooray!
Before I begin, I want to shout out to my bro for starting his senior year and the football season!! Go Braves!!! I expect big things this year mister!
One of the many miracles that happened last week occurred early on while visiting with an investigator. He converted to Christianity about 10 years ago, and he has never considered the idea of one true church. He has been incredibly intrigued by the thought that we have the authority from God and that the authority is necessary in order to baptize, perform ordinances, etc. During the lesson, we got off track a bit, but somehow there was a spot to shift the focus back to the Book of Mormon.
He started listening as I testified to him about how we have come to know these things are true. Elder Hanks and I used analogies, scriptures, and our own experiences to help him understand just how important prayer and receiving our own answers from God are. He shared more concerns, but the Spirit enlightened us so that we knew exactly how to answer and help him understand that he wasn't ready for the fullness of the gospel ten years ago, but he is now. It was an incredible flow of events that lead to him having the desire to set a baptismal goal. After the lesson, Elder Hanks and I both just looked at each other in awe. We knew that we had taught with the Spirit rather than with our own wisdom and knowledge. Only through the power of God and the Holy Ghost are we able to help people understand this message and their true potential in this life. I love this gospel!
I used to think that I needed to find the perfect person, memorize everything, and answer every question perfectly in order to have an experience like this. I was so wrong! Everything that happens positively is from the Spirit, and only because of the Spirit. It was such a joy to be able to testify of the importance of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ to this young man. Elder Hanks and I are blessed with countless miracles every single day. I am so grateful to be able to be a part of the Lord's work. I know that as we invite the Spirit and get out of the way, we help people come unto Christ. This is my goal!!!
One of the things I've learned the past week is the importance of patiently working through our trials and obstacles. Sometimes, I anxiously wait. I ask myself every few minutes if I'm happy, if i feel the Spirit, if I am doing the right thing, if Elder Hanks is happy, etc....but when we constantly do these things it is impossible to ever feel successful and peaceful. I have worked hard to do my best, follow the Spirit, and trust that as we're obedient, Heavenly Father blesses us. I can say with surety that this works and is a true principle. These past few days, I have been happier and more successful than ever before, and I know it's because of the combined desire to be obedient and patient.
I'm so grateful for the experiences, trials, and testimony strengthening moments that I've had this past transfer. I love this scripture, and it will continue to be one of my favorites the rest of my life:
7 That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ.
I pray that I can continue to do His will and His work. I am so grateful for the opportunity to be a missionary and a representative of Christ. It truly is a privilege that has changed me and continues to change me each day.
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